Tashi- Tantric Healing Practitioner Amsterdam
Catering to her curious interest in the human mind and our spirit, Tashi obtained a bachelors degree in psychology in the United States after she travelled to India fresh eyed and finding the spiritual side of life in India. It was there many years ago that she was first introduced to Tantra, a journey that would become a lifelong study.
Tashi's Studies with Indian and Tibetan Tantric Masters
In April 2014, during Navartri in India Tashi’s life changed when she was initiated in Sattvic Tantra by her Indian Tantric guru. In February 2015 she returned to visit her guru and received more teaching and guidance. In the same year 2014, she was also introduced to Tibetan masters at a Tibetan monastery in Bradenburg, Germany. In 2020, she decided to switch her practise to Tibetian Tantra- Vajrayana and practices the Highest Yoga Tantra for a Goddess.
Committed to the path of Tantra she was a faculty member of an online Vedic University in India, attended Satsang with a Vedic Tantric to learn more broadly about Tantra and recently completed a Yoga course from Menla & Tibet House on Tibetan Tantric Yoga and philosophy. She also studies and practices Vedic Astrology which is interwoven into Tantric traditions.
Tashi is trained in many different eastern massage modalities such as Thai Massage, Thai Oil massage, Ayurveda, Thai Yoga massage and Reiki. She has also attended and assisted in Tantra massage workshops from 2015 to 2017.
Performing her Tantric sadhana and following the teachings has brought Tantra into Tashi’s daily life and work
Even though, Tantra massage falls under Neo-Tantra which is something very different from the religion, her experience with Tantra the religion, her knowledge of the energetic system in the body and her ability to be a Tantric medium adds a unique and divine touch to her Tantra massage.